Crossovers & Troop Transfers
To register a crossover or transfer scout:
Please email the Troop registrar to begin the transfer process. I think it's easiest for me to walk families through the online transfer in We need to confirm that their Pack leaders have wrapped things up in Scoutbook first, and the online process often doesn't work for all families, so I end up transferring P4 kids, as has the P8 Committee Chair.
Complete the Troop 13 Registration Form (new Google form)
Pay the $35 Troop fee for Transfer Scouts HERE.
Is your child already registered for the year with a Cub Scout Pack, or Scouting Troop, and now looking to transfer into Troop 13?
No worries! Transfers into Troop 13 require a one-time transfer payment of $35 dollars. Going forward, during the next annual enrollment cycle, you will then resume paying the typical full registration fee for subsequent years.
This is a special case that only applies to Scouts that have already registered with another Scouting BSA Troop (Troop Transfer), or Cub Scout Pack (Crossover) for the current calendar year.
This DOES NOT apply to NEW scouts looking to sign up for Scouting for the first time, or for returning scouts looking to register for the whole year.